Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Climate Clock

Climate Clock is a new weather app for iPhone. It gets data from "Weather Underground" or your favorite weather website. Climate Clock updates every hour. You can even see things like wind speeds and change in participation over an hour. The app is currently $1, but after a limited time it will be $2. The best part about Climate Clock is that when the app is closed you can still see the temperature on a badge on the app's icon. So, as its developer says, "it is designed to give the information you want and then get out of your way." 
  Click here for the full article!

Friday, March 1, 2013

If I Could Go Back in Time...

If I could go back in time, I would go back to a championship softball game  played in against East Rutherford in the 7th grade.  In the game, we were winning, and it was getting dark.  We did not finish the last inning, but the umpire called the game.  In the last inning, the other team got one run ahead of us.  However, we never finished the inning, so the score did not count.  The rule book says that if an inning is not finished, then you must revert back to previous inning's score, in which WE were winning.  Our team tried to tell the coaches and the umpire to simply finish the inning, so they could fairly win.  However, the other team refused.  So, we explained that technically  we won the game.  This started complete outrage in the other team and the parents, who were screaming at us (the twelve and thirteen year old players) and cursing at us.  So, we tried to compromise and call it co-champions.  Yet, the other team still would not calm down.  A fistfight almost broke out. We even gave them the trophies-so they decided to break them and throw them out.  We even had to CALL THE POLICE i n order to get the other team to leave the field   Literally, we weren't allowed to come out of the dugout until the police got everyone from the other team to leave the field.  Still, the coach of the other team was not satisfied and complained to the softball Board about the situation.  So, the Board said that no one deserved any sort of title whatsoever.  To this day, Wood-Ridge and East Rutherford have not gotten along.  The East Rutherford girls, literally yesterday, have posted stuff about the game.  So, if I could go back in time, I would go to that game and not have let them score any runs in that unfinished last inning.  We would have win the game fair and square and the other team could not have complained at all.